The Top Five Vacation Property Rental Maintenance Concerns

Owning a property you can use for vacations and rentals often comes with its unique perks and challenges. Juggling logistics, maintenance, client relations, permits, and safety concerns all come with the fun and exciting world of vacation property rental.

Among all these aspects, property maintenance can largely affect your property in both value and performance as an income-generating asset. Whether you’re already an industry veteran, just getting started with the business, or even considering your options, here are the five main things you’ll probably need to look into and consider when managing a vacation property’s upkeep.

Appliances and Furnishings

Think of your vacation property rental as a place that someone will consider a home for a few days. What needs would they have to address during their time here? Outfitting your property with the essential kitchen appliances, entertainment gadgets, and dining implements can help ensure a greatly satisfying experience for your property’s tenants. It would be a good idea to frequently take note which of these furnishings are still functioning properly and which ones need repairs or replacements.


Whether it’s taking in the nearby sites or just staying in for quiet relaxation, your vacation property rental will require means for its tenants to comfortably rest for the duration of their stay. Beds and seating would be key in making sure their stay is as restful and comfortable as possible. Routinely check up on the upholstery and beddings to make sure there aren’t any unsightly tears, unhygienic stains, and other sorts of damage that need taking care of.

Cleanliness and Hygiene

Nobody likes clutter and other unhygienic circumstances disrupting the vibe of their vacation. It goes without saying that the property should be sanitized regularly and between tenants in order to avoid health concerns. General home cleaning should be done regularly to ensure that the property stays clean even during downtimes.

Outdoor Maintenance

The outer part of your property is just as essential to take care of as the inside. It will be the first thing potential clients will see since it is what would greet tenants upon their arrival. Consider hiring specialized services for things you can’t manage or repair by yourself. A contractor may be a small cost to pay to ensure that any outdoor amenities such as garden flora, balconies, and patios are treated for safety, cleanliness, and efficient upkeep.

Safety and Hazard Prevention

A vacation will most likely demand a certain level of security from stress so ensuring the safety of your tenants should also be a top priority for you. During routine maintenance, check if locks are in place and are working securely. If you have security measures such as fire alarms and security locks, ensure that their wiring is intact and replace batteries as needed.

A concrete floor can be a potential slipping during the winter or heavy rains so ensuring an efficient rain gutter system is a huge plus. You may also want to ensure that tenants have a means of contacting others via a phone, have a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher ready in case of emergencies.

We consider our rental properties well maintained and we look forward to letting you take part in what a luxurious vacation property rental experience is like. Visit our website and book your next vacation with us!

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